California Cheese- Kustom Kruiser Ultra Glide

The Kustom Kruiser is made in Taiwan. This bike is not made in, or even imported through Southern California, as the logo would lead one to believe. No, the address on the back of the manual says Madison WI. Not a bad thing per say, no bikes are being made in Chicago or Nottingham these days, but let's be honest about it eh?
One of the first things I immediately noticed about the Kustom Kruiser Ultra Glide was the tank is plastic. Yep, plastic, susceptible to all the cracking, and deterioration in the sun that plastic provides. Give me tin any day. It may dent and rust, but it takes a lot longer to fall apart.

The paint on the KK Ultra Glide was superb. The blue metalflake was deep and glossy, while the decoration was covered with enough clear coat that it took very close examination to determine that decals were used rather than actual masking and painting. This is heads and tails above the stickers found stuck on top of the clear coat on similar bikes such as the Raleigh Retroglide. Unlike the very nice Raleigh Retroglide seat, however, the Kustom Kruiser seat reeks of cheapness. It is covered in a single piece of heavy black vinyl with a molded in stitch pattern and a screen printed Kustom Kruiser logo on the rear. Chrome springs supply support from underneath.

The KK Ultra Glide is a conglomeration of universal parts, some proprietary, others not. The rims are polished alloy. The hubs are Shimano. Oddly, acorn nuts were placed on the front, and regular nuts on the rear. The pedals are nice ovoid shaped retro styled rubber. I like them. The kickstand is of the old Schwinn type, with a tube welded to the frame to accept the kickstand.
The laid back coolness and swept back longhorn handlebars of the Ultra Glide have speed written all over them.

This bike needs either an elevated gooseneck, or apehangers. I think I will order apehangers. The stem requires a 7/8 inch handlebar. The grips on the handlebars are as cheap as the seat, with plastic chrome bling. Those will be tossed out for old school blue sparkle grips.
Even with all I would like to change, I do have to admit that the bike rides well.

So, to bring this bike up to where I would keep it, I plan to install apehanger handlebars with old school blue sparkle grips. Blue dice will be placed on the valve stems. A better seat will be installed. I've already replaced the tires and reflectors. When I'm done, I may end up with a bike that I am proud to cruise down the road on.........Even if the tank is plastic.

Labels: Bicycles in my Stable, Bicycling
Maybe I'm not up on bikes, or maybe I missed something... but why does it have a tank, if there's no motor? What goes in the tank?
And what are the valves for?
The motor sits on the seat.
I really enjoyed your review. Thanks for sharing.
I just got one one of these. I got it at a cool bike shop and they swapped the boring black tires for white walls at no charge. I bought an old school headlight (battery operated) and Topeak rack to round out my purchase. I also bought the detachable basket, for beer runs. I'm not used to riding without gears and the smallest hills seem tough, but on the whole I really like the ride. It is a keeper.
Where do you buy this bike?
In Houston!
I really enjoyed this post and I admire the job done on the bike!
I got my own of the kind today and must agree on the rather awkward tank assembly ... Plus there were no instructions included. The paint job is good and I actually found the seat quite ok. I even decided to keep the original steering bar, since I not very tall and my knees only interferes with this when making really sharp turns.
I notice the decoration white stripes are more elaborate on yours. I might post a photo one day...
I'm looking for a blue Kustom Kruiser tank. Anyone know where one is?
Thanks, Troy
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