Argument Over Beer, Spaghetti Leads To ShootingORLANDO, Fla. -- An Orange County man is in jail, accused of trying to shoot his roommate with an AK style rifle. Their fight started after an argument over a beer and a plate of spaghetti. Investigators say David Fung-Cap just wanted a beer. "A beer. A beer. You know what, he was like, you didn't get me my beer. I was like, what are you talking about?" explained roommate Terah Mills.
Mills wanted some of Fung-Cap's spaghetti, and when neither would help the other, things got ugly. Fung-Cap went for his AK and opened fire. "Four times he shot at me. If it's my time to go, it's my time to go," Mills said he managed to wrestle the weapon away from his crazed roommate and left the apartment to get help from sheriff's deputies, who were already arriving. But then Mills accidentally fired another shot. The deputies thought he was aiming at them.
Thankfully, none of the five rounds fired in a densely populated apartment complex hit anyone. "I want my grandparents and parents to know that I love them and I would like a shirt and a cigarette and some shoes please," Fung-Cap said while being taken into custody. Investigators determined Mills was the victim. Now he'll keep the apartment, the beer and the food and, in the future, he said, he'll choose his roommates more carefully. "This guy's 25 years old. He's a grown man, just like me," Mills said. Deputies said there was nothing illegal about the AK, except for the fact that it was fired. Now it's in the custody of the Orange County Sheriff's Office.
There's always an idiot somewhere.
"I want my grandparents and parents to know that I love them and I would like a shirt and a cigarette and some shoes please,"
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