Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson

With the bastardized finishes and materials along with safety locks on the new S&W products, as well as their high prices, the older, plentiful S&W revolvers are quickly becoming the favorites of the savy wheelgunner. This book will tell the potential purchaser with assurance what he holds before him.
This particular edition (2nd) was published in 2001. The prices listed, therefore are from about 2000, and are five years old. Many of those prices have increased, but the information contained in this volume is still very pertinent. Jim Supica, of Old Town Station Ltd is a recognized authority on Smith & Wesson, as well as other guns. When Supica speaks, collectors listen.
Labels: Books, Gun Collecting, Smith and Wesson
I have an autographed copy that I got from a gunsmith, it helps but I still over-spent on stuff. To me there's just nothing like the work they did in the old days, the fine checkering and metal work - all my guns are old.
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