On Friday, Feb. 17, 2005, a CCW holder armed with a .45 caliber handgun saved a policeman's life in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Officer Brian Harrision was escorting a funeral procession when he pulled over 24 year old George Temple II, a local businessman, to write him a ticket for breaking into the procession. That's when Temple physically attacked Harrison. During the struggle, which went to the ground, Officer Harrison shot Temple once in the abdomen. Police say Perry Stephens, who was wearing a neck brace and using a cane, was walking out of a store when he heard Officer Harrison yelling for help. Harrison was on his back with Temple on top of him. Stephens went to his car and grabbed his .45 caliber pistol.
Stephens ordered Harrison's attacker to stop the attack and get off the officer. The verbal commands were ignored. The armed citizen fired four shots, all of which struck Temple in the torso. With Temple still on top of the officer, Stephens advanced toward the struggle. He again ordered Temple to stop the attack, and get off the officer. Those commands are ignored. Stephens then fired a fifth and final shot into the head of George Temple, turning his brains into mush, and stopping his deadly attack with justified lethal force.
No charges have been filed.Update at Paw Paw's PlaceLabels: Perry Stephens, Self Defense, Shootings
Man, 1 shot from the cop and 4 shots from the .45 to the torso.
So much for one stop shots!
Now where's my extra magazine...
"At that point, Stephens asked Temple to get off Harrison, Phares said. When Temple did not comply, he shot Temple four times in the chest."
Certainly not a happy outcome, but the guy at fault is the one that paid, and that's appropriate. Stephens is a hero, no doubt about it.
You know, maybe stories like this will make morons and criminals think twice about asaulting innocent people.
On another note, did you see the latest about that Morales POS and the candy ass 9th Curcuit judge that granted his appeal? I wrote about it on my blog. It made me madder than hell to read about it this morning.
Excellent! Time to do a happy dance.
What do you think the autopsy will turn up, alcohol or drugs? I'd probly guess crack cocaine.
You will never hear of this on NPR!
NPR will report the "outrage" in the community that this guy is not charged with murder.
And the "outrage" that someone is killed over a traffic stop
Сначала коп выстрелил ему в живот. Мля, если кто видел проникающие ранения в живот, тот поймет. А пишут, что он продолжал биться с копом в партере и был сверху.
Entirely hearsay - but a friend of mine who works for the BRPD said that during the assault, Temple repeatedly yelled "I told you not to f*** with me... I'm a beast" over and over again to the officer.
This just goes to show the mindset of these people, they think they have some sort of special right and can get away with anything... all because they are black and you (the officer, in this case) are white.
Check out my
Entirely hearsay, but a friend of mine who works for the BR Sheriff's department">blog post on this subject and the inevitable NAACP challenge of racism that followed.
Please visit Renegade's BS
Entirely hearsay - but a friend of mine who works for the BRPD said that during the assault, Temple repeatedly yelled "I told you not to f*** with me... I'm a beast" over and over again to the officer.
This just goes to show the mindset of these people, they think they have some sort of special right and can get away with anything... all because they are black and you (the officer, in this case) are white.
Check out my blog post on this subject and, of course, the inevitable NAACP challenge of racism that followed.
Please visit Renegade's BS
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