A Nurse with a Gun

Friday, June 29, 2007

To the Range

Click to enlargeLast night I cleaned and lubricated my newly acquired six inch Model 19-4. I also installed good old S&W walnut stocks on it. Today, it traveled along with my carry 1911s to the range for a workout.

The Model 19-4 shot tightly clustered groups, with no problems. Both single and double action was smooth and accurate. I shot mostly .38 special, with a couple of cylinders of .357 magnum. It's a sweet shooting six gun. I believe I did well.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice! How do I contact you togo shooting? I want to try it out!

4:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice report on the "19", I'll be on the hunt for a 4” or 6" Mod. 19 shortly myself, I like the shrouded ejector rod look to it along with smooth accurate shooting.

When viewing the photo of the “19” and other equipment you took to the range I notice the muffs you used. The folks I know as well as myself always try to get muffs, electronic or otherwise, with a NNR of at least 29 and hopefully higher. When I looked up your muffs “Silencio ~ LOW PRO 2000” I believe, I noticed they were rated at a diminutive NRR 23! I know they compress for easier storage but don’t you want and need a muff that’s at least 29NRR? Just wondering. Aren’t you giving up too much to have “low profile” muffs?


Silencio ~ LOW PRO 2000

>> A lightweight low profile muff that folds up into its own headband for compact storage

>> Folds to less than half its extended size

>> Extra soft foam filled ear cushions for added comfort

>> Adjustable steel headband

>> One of the highest Noise Reduction Ratings available in a low profile earmuff

>> NRR - 23 Over Head

6:20 PM  

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