Ugly Gun Sunday

That's Grand Master class ugly!
Labels: Ugly Guns
A Nurse with a Gun
Labels: Ugly Guns
posted by Xavier at 7:39 AM
Xavier is a Registered Nurse who specialized in complex wound care. He has practiced for over fourteen years in his community. He often provided nursing service in areas where law enforcement refused to enter without back-up. Xavier now works in surgery. Xavier has been an avid shooter for over 30 years. He strongly supports the 2nd Amendment, opposes gun control of any sort, and carries a weapon 24 hours a day. Xavier is known on various internet gun forums as XavierBreath. He is married with three children, and is moderated by an apathetic one eyed cat, a goofy Golden Retriever, and a stalwart German Shepherd Dog. One day, he hopes to be deserving of them all.
Domari Nolo
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He might delete it on sight.
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The Four Rules
1. All firearms are always loaded
2. Never let the muzzle of a firearm point at anything you are not willing to destroy
3. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot
4. Be sure of your target and what lies beyond it
The Five Rules of Concealed Carry
1. Your concealed handgun is for protection of life only.
2. Know exactly when you can use your gun.
3. If you can run away -- RUN!
4. Display your gun, be prepared to go to jail.
5. Don't let your emotions get the best of you.
Today's lesson is: "Just because a trigger guard spur looks good on a No.3 Russian doesn't necessarily mean it looks good on anything else."
I think it's purty. Of course I'm infatuated with a warthog.
While I don't necessarily feel that John Moses Browning's masterpiece is perefect in every way and should not be futzed with at all--new, seeable sights are a nice touch, after all--this thing should be grounds for feeding to the shrieking eels...
(Sorry, the comments at View From The Porch re: Iocaine powder in the coffee cups got me started...)
"Wish it away to the cornfield, Anthony!"
-Sans Authoritas
So the Knuckle guard is for what???? Your right hand is wrapped about the grip with your trigger finger in place....then you wrap your left hand around the grip and grip your right fingers...I still can't see how extending your left fingers forward will stabilize the weapon...better...or at all...
Am I missing something....oh wait....I get it. The setup is for "home boy". You know; extend the weapon towards target, roll hand 90 degrees to left so the ejection port is up and start rappping....yep thats it...or dats it...yo momma
If I want gold bling on my pistol, I'll demand a gold plated Desert Eagle.
With pearl grips.
[Listen for the sounds of "Always Look On The Bright Side of Life"]
At least it was a Para and not a WWI Colt...
I do believe the addition to the triggerguard is a curb feeler.
That gun still needs a set Homeboy Nyte Sytes to be complete.
In the world of Practical Pistol Shooting (which is, of course, of longer "practical"), some of these features do have value.
The extended dust cover provides extra weight at the muzzle, helping to manage muzzle-flip for a fast double-tap.
The magwell adapter helps make a fast reload, at a moment when tenths of a second provide a competitive advantage.
The "... blingy gold toned extended and weighted magazine" is probably a brass magazine extension; having a magazine extension helps seat the magazine reliably, especially when a magwell adapter is part of the grip assembly; and the extra weight provided by the massive brass magazine extension tends to make the magazine drop faster and more reliably, again saving time during a reload.
These features may not seem tasteful to most folks, but I assure you they are not without merit.
On the other hand, weighted magazine extensions are not usually as helpful with double-stack magazines (as is seen here) as the are with single-stack magazines; the knuckle-duster is pure bling and decidedly butt-ugly; and you're looking at a Para-Ordnance, not a 'true' 1911, so what the hell?
(Please, nobody tell Todd Jarret that I said this because Para is his sponsor and he can reliably use Para to deadly purpose in any competitive mode.)
Right you are Jerry......Even the trigger guard has merit, assuming it fits your hand. It's still ugly though! ;-)
Actually, get rid of the gold bling mag, and I think I've found my gun for fighting off the Annunaki, renegade cobra men and other horrors of a post-apocalyptic future.
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