A Nurse with a Gun

Monday, June 01, 2009

Moo Cards

I received my Moo cards today in the mail. I have to say that these are a well done and well packaged product. Moo cards are available online, with your own photography or artwork on one side, and your blog or web URL on the other. I had mine made to direct people I meet and photograph to my flickr account.

It only takes a couple of hours to set up a series of ten or more cards. Less if you intend to only have one photo used. I chose the "Mini Cards" primarily due to the cost. $19.95 per 100. They come printed faithfully on a thin plastic. Logos and typography are available for the reverse. For ease of ordering and set up, it's hard to beat these cards.



Anonymous Scott said...

My wife has used Moo cards for the last couple of years for her art business. They are great. Glad that the word is getting out. They are like little works of art.

10:03 AM  

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