The Wedding Gun
A man who trusts his son-in law. A man who believes his daughter has made the right choice.

This is the pistol I purchased for my son-in-law to be. Training is part of the package, but I know he understands that. When it is opened, some may question such a gift, but I have a feeling he will understand. It is a Colt. A heirloom. A gun I would carry myself. It is not an evil thing. It is a tool that allows for defense of life and all that is precious. Because he will enter matrimony with one who is most precious to me, my wish is that he have the means to protect his bride, my daughter.
How could I do any less?
Labels: Gun Culture
Now that is a pretty gun, and a classic example. I hope he doesn't think it too pretty to use… but judging by your description, I'm sure he won't.
Well said.
Wonder what will happen if he trades it in for a Glock..........
Protect his bride? You should also get your daughter one too. Turn about is fair play!
This is a thoughtful,generous gift.
I'm sure your son-in-law will cherish the gift and the thought behind it all of his life.
I'm halfway inclined to say, too nice to carry, but if it comes by a little patina honestly, that would look good too.
I'm not a 1911 guy, but that is one sweet looking pistol. Classy, even!
I could not think of a more appropriate gift. A beautiful piece of firearm. Congradulations to the newly weds.
That must be the black tie version of the Colt 1911; very nice looking.
Your daughter isn't a polygamist by any chance, is she? ;)
It’s a superb and well thought out gift.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised that your lovely daughter is attracted to man who has a sprit much like her father’s.
And I’m certain this young man will truly appreciate the thought and implied trust your gift bestows to him. It’s a gracious statement of telling someone they’re included and welcomed.
Great gift! Would have loved that when I got married. . Good father-in-law you are!
WV: "conesedi" Japanese for "my bad".
Wow, that's trust. Good job X.... He must be quite the special guy. Well done, Sir!
Bravo! Good show old man! I'm jealous! So's my bride
I'm available for adoption if you've got room.
My wife is estranged from her father, so I never got the proper handoff. The pistol and training are only a small part of the gift you'll give your new son-in-law. The trust you place in him will mean far more than the gun ever could.
When my second wife and I were dating, on our first Christmas together, I gave her a .45. Granted, it was an H&K USP .45 instead of something that would be an heirloom. But that was the gun she loved shooting the most.
As a woman who had been beaten more than once by her first husband, the fact that I gave her a handgun for Christmas told her that I was a man that would never lay a hand on her.
And for any that would question the caliber/model choice, she could put in 2 inch groups at 10 yards with one hand with that thing, and had no trouble operating it, all while being only 5'4" and weighing about 120.
Well, that's just magnificent!
My father-in-law felt his greatest gift to me was his daughter- guess he was right as that was 38 yrs ago! I did build HIM a custom 1911 many years later....
A wonderfully appropriate gift. I suspect that it might become the usual thing.
Looks like waterbuffalo bone grips!
You're a class act.
I've heard Appraisers say, if you have an heirloom weapon, don't refinish or re-blue it. Some wear due to regular use is not only acceptable but it could add to the value. I would urge him to take care of it and to keep the box, any and all documentation that came with it, the card or letter from you, etc.
All of these will add to the value when he passes it to his son or son-in-law at some point in the - I hope - distant future...
My my ... I wish my father-in-law was a gun guy. That will be a fantastic "welcome to the family" for him. Lucky fellow, on many counts.
Anon, she already has hers........
I'd give a Remington 870! It's cheaper, just as practical, and the symbolism and humor is unmatched :) Congratulations!
you are a good man charlie brown.
What no Crimson-in-law Trace Laser Sights?
*tsk tsk*
FYI, my mother-in-law bought us our first handgun as a wedding present.
I normally give gold bullion, but that is one magnificant looking 1911.
I hope he doesnt do a Josh Beasely with it
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