Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year!

First, the wedding went off well.

Next, for the Colt shooters, it looks as if Colt finally has an online factory store. You can once again order parts directly from Colt! Of course if you shoot a Kimfield and Wesson 1911, a lot of the parts will fit those as well. Are Colt parts really better? Some are, such as the recoil plugs that capture the recoil spring to prevent the plug from flying into your eye on field stripping the pistol.

Happy New Year!
¡Próspero Año Nuevo!
Gelukkig nieuwjaar!
Bonne Année!
Buon anno!
สวัสดี ปี ใหม่
Selamat tahun baru!
Frohes Neues Jahr!
سنة جديدة سعيدة!
Feliz ano novo!
Anno Nuovo e Felice!
새해 복 많이 받으십시오


  1. Thank you for the language lesson. :-)

  2. Congratulations to the lovely bride and lucky groom.

    And in the words of Luca Brasi,

    "And I hope their first child be a masculine child."

  3. Anonymous4:57 PM

    L'Shanah Tovah! And Mazel Tov on your daughter's wedding!


  4. Same to you Xavier...

  5. Congratulations, Xavier! Happy New Year to you and your newly expanded family.

  6. Ah, marrying off a daughter. That's fun.

  7. Congratulations! Was he packing his 1911 during the ceremony?

  8. BMF, He carries a Sig. I think it's a P229.

    Concealed during the wedding? I hope so.

  9. Anonymous6:41 PM

    С Новым Годом! Happy New Year! (Russian)

  10. Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i Chi a'r teulu!

  11. I believe the term I was looking for in order to describe such a lovely bride is "Radiant"! She is certainly beautiful and I think from his expression, he knows it as well.

    Congratulations to the happy couple; I hope they enjoy many years together. If Dad-in-Law is happy, that's a Good Start.

  12. 48 61 70 70 79 20 6e 65 77 20 79 65 61 72 21

  13. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Congratulations, and all the best to the new couple. You can't fake smiles like that, and they're fortunate to have a good photographer to capture it.


  14. I bet she’s just as charming as she is beautiful.


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