Monday, February 17, 2014

Veteran Living in Anti-Gun Chicago Kills Intruder


  1. Welcome back, if back you are. I kept you on RSS for two years waiting for more posts. Check your email.

  2. Nick Pacific6:28 AM

    Are you back, or just couldn't sleep?

  3. He lives yet! Does this presage a return to blogging? I hope so.

    I've got a Colt Combat Commander on the way and I'm already planning a few changes you've written about.

  4. Way to come back big.

  5. Welcome back! Still waiting for your 1911 book.

  6. Wow. You've posted nothing in almost two years. And all of a sudden there are 14 posts! OK, links to YouTube of news on self defense. But you are posting again!

    Welcome back!

  7. I'll join in on the "welcome back" bandwagon.

    I've been checking in periodically, and referencing your old stuff for info the whole time.

  8. I'll join in on the "welcome back" bandwagon.

    I've been checking in periodically, and referencing your old stuff for info the whole time.

  9. Finally!! I thought you were maybe stuck in TSA crackdown....

    or spent 2 years researching new health care options....

    or took a trip around the world on an old garage sale raleigh and didn't figure on so much water/ocean....

    or got such a great deal on ammo, bought it all up (hence the big shortage) and now you finally came off the range - you're getting low on ammo again - hey let us have some fun too!!....

    or put Magnum Force accidentally on repeat on the dvd and couldn't stop watching it....hey, it's happened....

    or won the lotto and have been looking for all the addresses of your blog patrons to send a check to - thanks in advance by the way!!!....

    Anyway, thanks for the great info and insight in the past and hopefully more in the future.


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