Gun Show: Swapping Guns & Crossing Bridges

I had walked around the show for a couple of hours carrying the boxed and orange tagged XD, with the dealers low balling me. I ascertained the prices of every other XD in the place, and the lowest priced used XD was sans box, one mag and $375. I figured my $350 firm asking price was fair. Still, I had no takers, only a couple of lookers. Finally, I had one young man with a crew cut offer me $325, the same price I had regretted turning down last night. The afternoon was still young though, so I politely said no.

When I began to accumulate S&W handguns, I vowed to refuse any gun I could not easily purchase ammunition for. I further restricted my
Then I went outside to the car to look it up in The Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson, to find out what I had.
I found that I now owned a Smith & Wesson 44 Model Three Double Action.

I stashed the revolver, and went back inside. I saw the headmaster of my daughter's parochial school looking over an evil black rifle of the German type. He was, of course going undercover, and had left his cassock at the office. Seeing Father Shaughnessy there fondling that HK ninetywhatever made me feel as though my child was much safer at school. I then spied a middle aged black man carrying an orange tagged 1911, and it looked GI. I caught up with him and asked him if he was interested in selling it. He said no, he just brought it in to be appraised. I explained to him the best thing he could do is go online to the 1911 Forum, in the GI section. I hope he listens and did not sell that pistol. I did not get a good look at the pistol, but it looked good from what I saw. Finally, about 30 minutes before closing, I called it a day. We shall see whether I did well on my trade.
Labels: Gun Tradin', Top Break Revolvers
Hi Xavier,
I came across this pic on the net somewhere and immeadiately thought of you.
I couldn't find your email so I put the pic in a draft post on my site. If you want it, help yourself.
Nice site, BTW. I check in often.
That revolver looks awesome!
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