More ebay Madness

Once again, a set of Colt Woodsman "elephant ear" grips went into the stratosphere on ebay.
Winning bid: US $938.79
Wow! The last set went for $575.76, and I thought that was a lot! I would need a Registered Magnum box to keep those things in!

Meanwhile.....These beater pre-war N frame S&W grips are at $90.
I'm missing something here.......I really am.
Labels: ebay Insanity
Wow, I picked up a Colt Govt. 380, a J.P. Sauer und Sohn M1913,a Colt D.A. 38 (Model 1901??) and an original Whitney Wolverine today for several hundred less than those grips, damn, just damn.
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