Choosing Your First 1911
"My next purchase would like to be a 1911, What do you recommend as a first 1911?"It's not unusual for my opinion to be requested by people who are considering buying a 1911 for the first time. In many ways, the 1911 is emblematic of the gun world. It has it's aficionados, it's true believers, and it's know-it-alls. There are few experts. I often wonder why people ask my opinion, but it happens often enough that it must seem valuable to some. I want to quantify this blog post by stating I am no expert. I have owned a lot of different 1911 style pistols. I have shot a lot of 1911 style pistols. I carry a 1911. Those are my qualifications. I have not owned or shot them all though, and I'm certain there is much I do not know. This, however, is my opinion and advice, if you think it may be valuable, take it. It's your's. If you think it's opinionated crap because I don't fall to the altar of your particular brand of gun, you are welcome to your own opinion.
I do not mean to disparage anyone's pistol of choice here, only relate my experiences. This is not a blog post about what a 1911 is and is not. If you want to read my opinions concerning that, go here. In this blog post, "1911" and "1911 style pistol" are synonymous.
The problem with choosing a first 1911 is there are so damned many of them. The 1911 is not just a pistol.

Realize too, that your first 1911 may not be your last 1911. Some people feel like they got burned when the 1911 they chose did not live up to their expectations. The truth is, they just chose poorly. This blog post is about how to make the right choices for that first 1911, and how to continue to make subsequent wise choices on the next ones.
Explore the Possibilities
When one considers the myriad variations of the 1911, including custom guns, the problem of selecting only one quickly becomes apparent. There are too many possibilities to check them all out. The mind quickly becomes overwhelmed. Not having shot the pistol, it's difficult to know what you want. It's even harder to know what you need. But, to buy wisely, a person needs to know what they want, and have an idea of what they need.
Like an automobile, the 1911 is often called an expression of a shooter's personae, and it's easy to get caught up in the expression of one's self when a person does not yet know their specific wants and needs. The difference is, with a mature 1911 shooter, the 1911 arrives at that expression honestly, over time. The trick is to get ahead of the "I just want a 1911" idea. Get some hands on research done. Try some 1911 style pistols out. If you have a rental range near by, go there and rent several 1911s to shoot. Try different sizes, calibers and examples from different manufacturers. Ask your shooting buddies if you can shoot their 1911s. Ask their opinions. If you are unable to shoot a few 1911s before buying, at least know what you do not want. Go to a gun show. Handle as many variations as possible. See what feels good, and what comes to sights readily for you.
Know your Purpose
The first problem of choosing a 1911 is narrowing down the field of bewildering candidates. It's a process of elimination. The 1911 performs many shooting tasks extremely well, but it is often modified from it's basic format to perform some tasks better than others. Knowing your reasons for wanting a 1911 as well as your intended purpose for it's use can narrow the field of candidates quickly.Do you want the 1911 to have one in your collection? Yes, that's a valid reason. Do you admire the tradition and the history? Another valid reason.

Do you want a general purpose gun? Are you someone who just can't leave the tools in the tool box when you buy a gun? Do Brownell's and Midway regularly send you flyers? Are you looking for a gun to "grow with?" Look towards the Springfield Mil-Spec and the Colt 1991. These are pistols that are frequently purchased and later upgraded. If you already know you want a beavertail grip safety and swept back sights, consider a Smith & Wesson 1911 and a Kimber Custom as well. Not the Custom II, the Kimber Custom. Just Custom, no Roman numeral II. No external extractor, and no Swartz firing pin safety.

Do you want a range gun? Is this gun one that will travel in a box to the range and shoot targets at a wide variety of distances? Then consider a 1911 with adjustable sights. In my opinion, this is the only reason to have adjustable sights on a 1911. You might consider a long slide gun for the greater sight radius and reduced recoil, and you may also want to consider a beavertail grip safety for ease of shooting for extended periods.
Will this gun be a carry gun? The Government Model is a pistol that carries very nicely in the right leather. If you are planning to pack your 1911 though, consider the smaller versions. The Commander has a shorter slide, but the same length grip frame, allowing you to use standard magazines. The Officer's Model has both a shorter slide and a shorter grip frame, and must use a shorter magazine. Avoid any pistol outside of these parameters. Occasionally a manufacturer will produce a version of the 1911 with an odd grip frame length that demands proprietary magazines.

One thought to consider is the 1911 is a weapons platform requiring specific training. In my opinion, your first 1911 should not be chosen for the purpose of being a carry gun. You should learn the weapons platform first, under experienced instruction, and then make the decision whether you want to carry it on your hip. If your first 1911 becomes your carry gun over time, great. Just don't choose a lightweight three inch 1911 and then complain because the recoil is to strong for you.
Will this be a gun to compete with? You need more specific instruction than I can provide here. Knowing the rules, regulations and needs of your form of competition is paramount. I advise you to consult with shooters who are already using the 1911 in your choice of competition. I will say this. Shoot the guns of other competitors. Do your research, and consider true bespoke custom guns. They are money well spent if the gunsmith is widely recognized. There are off the rack "semi-customs" from the likes of Wilson Combat, Les Baer, and Ed Brown among others, and then there are true bespoke custom guns from the likes of Clark Custom, Nowlin and other notable gunsmiths. Remember, repeatable accuracy costs money, and spending your money in the right place to start with is wiser than taking your pistol back and forth to Joe the neighborhood gun hack time and again.
Set Your Budget
The 1911 is an expensive pistol. The frame and slide can not be popped out of a mold like polymer guns and quickly assembled into a functional firearm. There seems to be several dividing lines in the price ranges of 1911 pistols. Sticking with your budget is important. Extending it a bit to get what you want may be more important. If you must wait an extra pay day or two before you can purchase the right gun, then do so. The right gun in a month costs less than the wrong gun now. The sting of a high price tag hurts less than the ache of a poor choice due to financial expediency.Below $500 you will find pistols that have cast frames and slides, often manufactured in the Philippines.

In the $500-$700 range, Springfield is the prime supplier. Their offerings include the GI45 for the traditionalists, and the Mil-Spec for those who want updating. For a general purpose 1911 in this price range, it's hard to beat a Springfield Mil-Spec.

Other manufacturers sometimes offer upgraded 1911s in this entry range. Remember though, if they have an offering here, they cut costs somewhere. The frames may be cast, the small parts may be made of poorly formed MIM, the barrels may be cheap, the labor may have been outsourced overseas, or any combination of those concerns. The manufacturer struggled to reach this price point. Figure out how, and decide whether you can live with it. The Taurus PT1911 can often be found in this price range. I have not shot one beyond a couple of range try outs, but they seem to be well made, and they get good reviews. Among the Philippine cast frame 1911s in this range are the Charles Daley Field 1911 at $649, and the STI Spartan listed at $660. I have no experience with either of these pistols. 1911s from the higher price brackets will occasionally fall into this range used. If you are interested in a used 1911, go here to learn how to check one out.
Many 1911 shooters advise a $700-$1100 budget to get started. This is because the choices really open up in this range, plus you have the lower price ranges to consider as well. You have a wide choice of materials and sizes. Most of the frames and slides will be forged.

In this price range, as long as you stick with a major manufacturer and purchase a gun suited to your purpose, you should be satisfied. Those players are Colt, Springfield, Smith & Wesson, and STI. Kimber used to have my recommendation until they began the Series II guns. The Kimber Custom and all the Series 1 guns raised the 1911 bar and forced Colt off it's laurels. The Series II Kimbers suffer from a poor reliability history. Sig Sauer made some of the ugliest 1911s ever and deposited them in this price range. Those are not known for reliability either. Paraordnance...... What can you say about Para? Cast slides from Canada and mutant double stacked double action pistols that revolutionized competition.
When a 1911 buyer has a budget above $1100, the choices really expand. This is the world of the production "semi-custom" gun, and the domain of diminishing returns. Wilson Combat established this arena, followed by Les Baer and Ed Brown.

If you, as a person new to 1911s are considering one of these pistols, you probably did not do your research very well. You likely have heard horror stories of unreliable 1911s and you hope to avoid that with a bit more cash. Guess what? These guns fail too. They are not magic talismans against the nefarious 1911 gremlin. They just cost more money, look a bit prettier, and give you empty bragging rights at the range. The real measure of a 1911 is no failures with repeatable holes in the X ring. Other 1911 pistols can do that too, if the shooter can.
What many shooters fail to realize is that for the price of some of these off the shelf "semi-custom" production guns, they could purchase a true bespoke custom.

Another note.....genuine GI guns, Colts, Ithacas, Remington Rands, Union Switch & Signals, Singers and Springfields (the other Springfield) also fall into this price range. These are shootable investments if you ask me. Like any investment though, you had better know what you are doing, or you will lose your ass. These historical firearms are not reasonable choices as a first 1911 for a person who plans to shoot the gun.
Choose a Caliber
Once you have set your intended use and your budget, consider caliber. 1911s come in many calibers. .22 Long rifle; .38 Super; 9mm; .40 S&W; 10mm. .45 ACP (who woulda thunk it?) 460 Rowland, and even 50 caliber.
Those .22 conversion kits? Buy a used Ruger MKII or 22/45 instead. The target practice will transfer over and the Ruger will be more reliable. If you are thinking a 22 conversion kit would allow you to train with your carry gun for less, that is true. But you are training without the recoil. You may as well dry fire in the comfort of your home.
Many people find that the recoil of a .45 is surprisingly manageable compared to other calibers. In a full sized gun, it gives more of a push than a snap and torque. In a heavy pistol such as a Government Model, most people do not find it to be unpleasant, especially if they are trained to grasp the weapon with the web of their hand as high beneath the grip safety as possible. This effectively lowers the bore axis of the pistol to be in line with the wrist, making for a easily controlled recoil impulse. More important than the caliber (at least between 9mm and 45 ACP) is the size of the pistol. The Government Model pushes the shooter's hand in recoil. The Commander has a bit more snap. The Officer's Model has both snap and torque. Strangely, I found lightweight frames to not be much of a factor regarding recoil. For me, when it came to managing recoil, it was the length of the barrel and slide that mattered, not the weight of the frame.
Roll Your Own
I don't advise this for a new 1911 shooter. Period.What to do when you get your 1911
Lock up the Dremel. Buy ammo. Use up. Repeat. Buy a holster. Invest in experienced instruction. Resist the temptation to purchase anything, anything for your pistol from Brownell's Midway or anyone else. Buy more ammo. Use up. Repeat. Field strip your weapon and learn to clean and lubricate it properly. Then learn to detail strip it. Put it back together and buy ammo. Use up. Repeat. Let the gun you have teach you about the gun you want, and the gun you need. Finally, after shooting the pistol for three to six months, allow yourself to purchase a new pair of grips if you like. Buy a couple of extra magazines. Fill them with ammo. Use up. Repeat. If the gun doesn't point for you like you think it should, try a different mainspring housing. If you want to change the sights, and you have a dovetailed slide and the mechanical aptitude, swap them out. Let the pistol become your own depending on your needs and desires. Or don't. It might be the perfect pistol from the beginning. I doubt it though.Related Posts
What is a 1911?
The Best 1911 for You
1911 Sizes
Buying a Used 1911
Chris Byrne's Primer on Buying a 1911
The "First Handgun" question by Chris Byrne
The 1911 Forum
Labels: 1911 Basics, 1911's
Excellent write up. I love the look of the 1911, and for all the ones I've held and shot, I love the feel of them too. But, I know nothing other than being able to look at one and tell it's a 1911.
My personal desire is for either a Dan Wesson Bobtail Commander or a Kimber Eclipse Custom II. The reason is because I can get those in 10mm, the main platform I shoot. I have no problems with the 45 ACP, a truly marvelous platform, but I already own a 10mm, can handle the recoil just fine, and 'roll my own' so to speak, so the cost of feeding the pistol would be a lot less.
The problem is I've never shot a 10mm 1911 and would have no idea if either of those pistols would be reliable enough as a carry gun.
But thanks for the write up. Definitely another bookmark for me.
Xavier, this is a great post. Required reading for all, and especially for the beginner.
This is unrelated to the beginner point, but your excellent post brought up a different question in my mind.
I have a boat load of 1911 mags laying about, and I certainly do enjoy shooting my pistol. I'm wondering, however, if I can find another firearm that accepts these mags to kind of change things up a bit. Specifically, I'd love to find a carbine for just this purpose. I guess I'm envious of all the guys at the range having fun with their Hi-Points and Cx4s, who can swap their pistol mags to a different gun for a different experience while stocking up on just one type of ammo.
I have only found carbine conversion kits for the 1911, and I'm really skeptical of the quality to say the least. I don't need the tacti-cool of the Cx4, but would like something a bit higher quality than the Hi-Point. It's not for home defense purposes, just for fun. Any ideas?
Haven't read the entire article yet, cause i hadn't been here for awhile and wanted to read the other stuff.
I bought my first 1911 (Springfield GI Milspec SS) in April, because I feel any gun enthusiast should have one. It shoots nicely, altho it really doesn't like JHPs. While I am still new in the 1911 ownership game, i want to take it to a local gunsmith to get the feed ramp polished so it may help it like the JHPs. Was wondering if you would recommend that? It feeds FMJ fine.
Then i want to get new sights on it. The dull stainless steel military style sights are hard to see at the range, and it really bothers me.
Just looking for advice.
Rather than taking it to the local 'smith, you might want to give Springfield a call about taking care of the feeding issue under warranty. You might be pleasantly surprised.
My stainless GI45 has black sights. Your gun has stainless?
If you send your pistol off to Springfield to get the feeding issues taken care of under warranty, you may as well have them dovetail in the sights of your choice while it's there.
I think the reason so many seem to want your opinion is that every time you give an opinion, you present them as from your own experience and you give your opinion in a well reasoned manner.
I believe that many folks find your well reasoned opinions to make much better sense than the latest gun magazine article.
At least, I do. :)
This is just another example.
Bravo Zulu, Shipmate!
A couple things:
For anonymous, the .45 caliber Marlin Camp Carbine uses 1911 magazines. It's discontinued, but not that hard to find.
Great post. I'd definitely add the Dan Wesson line to the $700-1100 range though. The CBOB is a true commander (i.e. 4 1/4" with bushing) has all Ed Brown internals, and can be had for just under $1000. Add $50 for the 10mm version.
As for Kimber, I certainly agree that the Series I (i.e. no stinkin' II on the side) are preferable. However, Kimber stopped selling pistols with the external extractor around three years ago. It over. Worth warning people, because they truly were bad, but it shouldn't be an issue on a new gun.
Also, Kimber sells several models without the Swartz components. The Warrior, Desert Warrior, SIS, and one or two others do not have the Series II Swartz safety.
I find the Swartz no more annoying than the damnable Lawyer-lock that Springfield installs. Either is easily fix with replacement components.
A very nice write-up, thanks for taking the time.
How do you feel about the 1990's Norinco's that made it into the country for a while? That was my first 1911, and I picked one up brand new back then for under $300. It was a basic mil-spec type, but with three-dot sights instead of the little mil-spec rear. It's gobbled lots of ball and HP ammo without a bobble. I've been told that the Chinese used pretty good metal in both the frame and slide, and I'd have to say that it's stood up pretty well. I've lost track of the round count through it...8,000 to 10,000 or so, probably. Replaced the recoil spring a couple of times, and that's it.
Okay, the finish is now pretty worn from banging around in it's holster inside cars, trucks and bikes. I left "idiot marks" on the frame before I learned how to put the slide stop back in properly. Despite it's intrinsic ugliness, it's still one of my favorites to shoot...just 'cause.
I dunno what the used market in them is like, but I'm guessing that they're still pretty affordable for first 1911.
Thank you for the information on the 1911. I think freddyboomboom said it best.
For Anonymous above,
You might want to look into the marlin camp carbine, if you can find one. they're hard to find in .45 (I guess they all got bought up) but they're great little guns and take 1911 mags.
The Norincos were some good pistols. If I remember correctly, they were on the short list (three others) that Clark Custom would do a 460 Rowland conversion on. The others were Colt, Kimber and Springfield. It looks like they added the S&W 1911 to the list now. Good guns. Reportedly extremely hard steel, enough to dull milling machines.
I did not include them because you can not readily find them new any more.
I'm glad to hear that Kimber has made some changes. Hopefully they will give up the fashionable little squiggles on the slide of the SIS and the scaley stuff on the Raptor and just make a good, solid 1911 without all the bizarre adornments again. Something like the Custom.
I just bought a Springfield Light Weight Operator last Saturday. I like the options and the price,100 rds on Sunday with no FTF or FTE's. I have 6 1911's now, this one is a keeper. GREAT Article!
Excellent post.Your comment on rent and try them can't be repeated enough. [Also a good thought if you're about to buy a car.]We've been fortunate in that the "local" [40 miles away] gun shop has a long list of guns to try. My son went through about six 1911s [after deciding he wouldn't be comfortable with a .40]. Came down to a Kimber and a CZ. With the price differential and the fact that he'd been using my CZ75 [9mm]for over 400 rounds, he ordered the CZ97B. Not a 1911, but he's familiar with the "controls" and how the pistol handles.
Always go to your blog first. Wonder why? OldeForce
Ah, I posted late on the way to bed, and forgot to mention i bought it from an individual and not a shop. It's an '06 model apparently (says so on the box), but was only shot a few times, so i'm not sure Springfield would still cover it.
However you just put a new post up that may solve that problem.
Same guy has some Colts for sale, too. Just wish i had the money he would most likely charge for them, as they're in excellent condition.
I would still be surprised if Springfield did not help you out. Call them. Talk to Deb.
Xavier, thank you very much for the post. I've read your others and have been close to typing exactly that question several times. I don't trust "buy this" advice from publications with advertisements on the facing page, and forums are overloaded with "mine is the best" recommendations by owners.
I'll probably be purchasing a 1911 by Christmas this year and unlike my others, which were each bought with a specific purpose in mind, that purchase will be simply because I want one. Can't really say why because I don't know, but I think it will come down to whatever comes out of my mouth when I break the news to the spouse. Most likely prediction is that of the honest approach: The others are purely functional and you're proficient with each of them. THIS one is MY toy.
Several months follow now during which I may plan the conversation, more difficult than making the choice of model, thanks to your post.
Quick question, what type of paint did you use on the mil-spec sights you left on your custom gun. I have a Springfield GI Champion with the tiny sights and would like to add something to speed up the acquisition of the front sight. Other than that, it is a good first 1911 and I highly recommend it.
DC, On my carry Sistema, i use the old standard military sights. I painted the rear of the front sight blade orange, using Testor's model paint.
A tour de force!
excellent write up.
thanks for posting it
not exhaustive, but very thorough.
a good outline to bracket the major decision points.
Since you linked back here from your recent post, you might find some of this prescient from another that owns many, tinkers with, occasionally builds, and just generally likes 1911s and would like to fill in a few blanks in the above:
I have a Dan Wesson Bobtail Commander. I like it. My dad bought one too. He likes his. For that price point I'll stand on the office desks of Hartford and proclaim that the CZ Dan Wessons are better out of the box at the same price point 100% of the time. Better fit and finish and better triggers. As to if that will hold up in re-sale prices, I suppose we shall all see.
My local HIGH END (as in Holland and Holland et al behind the counter) firearms stockist has been selling CZ Dan Wessons about 3:1 to Colts for that reason, as they aren't particularly aggressive about marketing anything. It's not that sort of shop.
People go through the 1911s carried under glass, handle them, gravitate towards Colts and CZ Dan Wessons unless they have a Kimber hardon or are in the Les Baer or semi-bespoke price range, take them apart or check tolerances the best you can without doing so (dependent on customer status), dry fire them, odds are they walk out the door with a CZ Dan Wesson. I've watched it many times lately. I know you'll always be a Colt man but CZ/Wesson is giving them some stiff competition at the sales counters.
STI Spartans are what everything else is at that price point, no more no less. Steel quality is good. Virgil Tripp is building some semi-bespoke custom pistols based on the Spartan frame and slide kit to see how good he could make them. I own one. It's worthy of a mechanical rest but it wasn't six-hundred bucks either and the STI parts are the Frame and Slide and would not be recognizable as Spartan parts except for manufacturing stamps (CobraChromed, of course).
I've got dead relaible Kimber Customs and a Custom II that is the same. The rental range goat 1911 at my local indoor is a Kimber Custom that's been on the line and rented most every day for over a year and has showed no problems. It gets a field strip cleaning once a week and a full cleaning once every month or two, if that. They don't all suck. I remember when they were having their reliability issues and they seem to have fixed the II's production line. I won't give you a serial number but let us say that MY dead reliable Custom II is of 2008 manufacture.
I've had primarily good luck with Springers and their customer support and have used them as the basis for a number of custom projects too.
For rolling your own:
Para makes nice doublestack frames and leaves a lot of meat to work with on it. No Slide Included. You get a frame, trigger, and magazine in a nice white cardboard box. Their customer service people are nice as well.
As to truly bespoke guns, there's a lot more names than Nowlin and Clark, but you know that, as do the people looking to spend that sort of money.
This is referencing the Kimber Custom II issue mentioned in my post above related to some 1911s you hadn't had experience with and such, provided you deem it worthy of posting later today.
I went to the indoor range today to be lazy and have a trolley instead of walking back and forth to target stands where they have that Kimber Custom II out as a rental gun with god knows how many thousands of rounds through it. Gunsmith, Manager, and 4 salesmen where there this morning besides the range officer. None of them can remember it having a single hiccup ever and it turns out I underestimated the age, as it's been a daily rental gun, 7 days a week and their primary 1911 rental gun, for TWO years. Mac didn't actually go dig out the 4473 to see when they received shipment and put it on the line but it's ~2 years with zero problems and was not gunsmithed in any fashion other than lubricated before it was put out for rental.
I've shot that particular rental gun more than once when instructing people and they wanted to try a full size 1911 and I didn't have one with. Plain Jane Custom II, no options, no night sights. Shoots sweet. I last shot it in December in one of those instruction situations.
Maybe you or a friend had a bad experience with Custom IIs. It's your set of pages so you're welcome to post your opinions of whatever guns you like just like I post mine on my blog. We over the other side of the Sabine seem to get ones that run fine.
I use Tripp magazines in mine (as I use them in everything for reliability reasons) but the range goat still has it's two original Kimber issue magazines.
Maybe there's something in the Nawlins air?
well written and sane, much appreciated
Xavier, I was wondering if you would write a supplemental to this article, focusing on how to choose a set of aftermarket 1911 grips.
Not to toot our own horn too much, but Strike Industries is a new entry into the polymer 1911 grip market, and we would love to send you some of our grips to take a spin.
You can get in touch through the contact form on our website if you're interested.
Great article. A few weeks ago I went shooting with a friend who just bought a Glock 23. He has big hands, I warned him he may not be happy with the gun, but he bought it anyway. So, after he shot his 23and I shot my Glock 19 four a few hundred rounds I let him try my Colt 1911 Combat Elite. After firing a magazine with it he just looked at the Colt, looked at me with wide eyes, and said "NOW THAT IS A GUN."
I love my Glock 19, it is my main carry gun now after being a devoted 1911 carrier for the past decade. I also have total respect for all good weapon platforms out there. But a good 1911 has an effect on the shooter that nothing else seems to portray. 100+ years old and it is still one of the best. That is a feat of engineering beyond words!
I recently purchased a US Military 1911, the interesting part is that it has a 1917 Colt lower assembly and a 1952 Ithaca upper assembly. It has a polished blue finish and is in perfect condition. I was told that it was issued to an Officer in the US Army. Most of the military 1911 I am familiar with are somewhat sloppy, this 1911 is tight as hell. Because of the way everything fits together is it possible that it was actually issued this way, after all the date puts it during the Korean war. I only paid $300 for the gun.
Good post thanks. One 1911 that's on my mind as a first time buyer is the Ruger SR1911. Any thoughts.
Absolutely loved your article. Very informative and well stated. I have a question for you, I'm in a position to purchase another firearm and may be able to purchase a Canstar Arms 1911 at a reduced cost for reasons that I'd rather not get into but totally legal reasons. Are you familiar with them and if so, your opinion please?
Keep up the good work!
I am glad to read this post, its an interesting one. I am always searching for quality posts and articles and this is what I found here, I hope you will be adding more in future. Thanks
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