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Labels: Concealed Campus
A Nurse with a Gun
Labels: Concealed Campus
posted by Xavier at 8:21 PM
Xavier is a Registered Nurse who specialized in complex wound care. He has practiced for over fourteen years in his community. He often provided nursing service in areas where law enforcement refused to enter without back-up. Xavier now works in surgery. Xavier has been an avid shooter for over 30 years. He strongly supports the 2nd Amendment, opposes gun control of any sort, and carries a weapon 24 hours a day. Xavier is known on various internet gun forums as XavierBreath. He is married with three children, and is moderated by an apathetic one eyed cat, a goofy Golden Retriever, and a stalwart German Shepherd Dog. One day, he hopes to be deserving of them all.
Domari Nolo
Xavier can still be emailed at
He might read your email.
He might delete it on sight.
He might publish it and comment on it.
The Four Rules
1. All firearms are always loaded
2. Never let the muzzle of a firearm point at anything you are not willing to destroy
3. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot
4. Be sure of your target and what lies beyond it
The Five Rules of Concealed Carry
1. Your concealed handgun is for protection of life only.
2. Know exactly when you can use your gun.
3. If you can run away -- RUN!
4. Display your gun, be prepared to go to jail.
5. Don't let your emotions get the best of you.
Please note that Grundy is in Virginia -- it's close to W.VA, but just as close to KY.
Small town, way back in the hills. Hard-working folks on the edge of the coalfields, not used to this kind of thing.
Goatroper is correct.
I just checked my reference material, and my geography synapse short-circuited this time.
I read the reference material several times, and bigger than you please, typed "West" in front of it.
Sorry for the brain-you-know-what. Thanks to Goatroper for the quick catch, and thanks to you for the nice referral.
Unfortunately, as you are probably aware, the bill to allow concealed carry on campus died in the Louisiana House last Thursday--only 18 representatives voted for it.
But Representative Wooten said he thought some of the outlandish amendments tacked onto it by other representatives helped kill it--imagine that!
I did note that every member of the House to whom I wrote the letter on the blog did vote FOR the maybe there's hope yet.
More hope in Louisiana than in California, where we effectively cannot carry concealed. I'm not fighting it, but am going to vote with my feet and move to a more congenial place in a few years.
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